METU-DBL Laboratory

METU - Defocusing Beam Line Laboratory :

ODTU-IVMER Defocusing Beam Line, in the scope of Particle Radiation Tests Creation Laboratory, which is funded by SBB and has SSB as its client, is built within the scope of İMECE Satellite Development Program, in TENMAK PAF to study Single Event Effects and to be able to create radiation tests, in harmony with Turkey’s space road map and strategic plans, and was opened in 5th of December, 2019.

Radiation tests of electronic equipment, metallic glasses, solar cells, coating and shielding materials developed by TÜBİTAK UZAY, TÜBİTAK MAM, METU, Sabancı and Gazi University, and many other institutions were carried out. Before radiation tests, analyzes are made with reliable simulation programs used in the field of radiation and nuclear physics. With these analyzes, information about radioisotopes and dose rates that may occur in radiation tests can be obtained. It has been observed that the data obtained from the sensors and meters used in METU-DBL are in harmony with the simulation analysis. Simulation programs were used when the METU-DBL was in the design phase, and radiation-resistant armors were designed using lead, aluminum, polyethylene, etc. to enable METU-DBL electronics to operate without performance loss and not to threaten humans health.

METU - DBL Laboratory is an R&D project, and its design and production at every stage were carried out by METU-DBL personnel who are experts in their fields and have gained experience in radiation from the beginning of the project to meet the requirements of the ESA ESCC-25100 space standard by providing information transfer from CERN.


Mobile Radiation Measurement Robot

In addition to this system, a mobile radiation measurement robot was designed and produced by the METU-DBL team in order to measure instantaneous dose rates and perform dose mapping. During the development of this robot, the METU-DBL team's capabilities to design and manufacture shielding against radiation, design and manufacture radiation sensors for the application, interpret and verify sensor data, select radiation-appropriate materials, simulate the radiation source and environment in a computer environment, select radiation-resistant electronic components were used.